The complex relationship with the traditional center-left puts pressure on the government, which forged its political identity in the Broad Front as a different option from the ex-Concertación and in criticism of the 30-year post-dictatorship transition. The phrase "it's not 30 pesos, it's 30 years" associated the social upheaval due to the increase in the subway ticket with three decades, 24 of them led by center-left governments, in which there were no profound reforms to the economic and social model inherited from the dictatorship.
The generation that entered public life through the student movement and that formed the Frente Amplio parties forged its identity through south africa phone number list of the former Concertación and its parties. Not having shared the years in power, he has seen the traditional center-left as a sector that accommodated itself in the government and perpetuated the neoliberal model inherited from the dictatorship. The traditional center-left resents these accusations and believes that the newcomers disguise as unfair moral superiority what is nothing more than political inexperience.
Occasional friction between figures from both groups did not prevent President Boric from incorporating into his government the traditional center-left (with the exception of the Christian Democracy), a coalition renamed Democratic Socialism, a sector whose presidential candidate, Paula Narváez, was defeated in the first round of elections for the current president. The Ministry of Finance and other important state departments fell on this sector from the beginning of the government, in March 2022. The most relevant figure in the alliance with the traditional center-left has been Finance Minister Mario Marcel, whose appointment helped reduce fears among businessmen and investors.