Priradiotv redes y aliados te auguran un 2024 pleno de logros y solidaridad en paz. Somos un equipo participativo e incluyente apostando por tu bienestar, que también es el de tod@s. Tratamos de ir siempre a la fuente y ser concretos, aun cuando a veces, se nos van las luces.... ponernos de cabeza y respirar profundo de todo corazón reconforta.
¡¡¡Siempre gracias!!!
Cuentas con nosotros contamos contigo, aun cuando en ocasiones pensemos diferente.
2024 your best year ever. Priradiotv networks and allies: you can always count on us, standing or heading.
Priradiotv, networks and allies predict a 2024 full of achievements and solidarity in peace. We are a participative and inclusive team, where we are all committed to your well-being, which is also that of tod@s. We always try to go to the source and be concrete, even when sometimes, the lights go out.... Standing on our heads and taking a deep breath from the bottom of our hearts is comforting.
Thank you always!!
You can count on us, we count on you, even if sometimes we think differently.
Abelardo, Alejandra, Álvaro, Amelia, Aura, Bella, Benjamín, Bernardo, Carlos, Claudio, Clemente, Dalia, Danna, Damián, Daniel, Diego, Deyanira, German, Gerney, Guillermo, Hermes, Ivon, Jorge, José, Juan, Julio, Kenneth, Leo, Liliana, Luis, Marco, Maria, Manuel, Mario, Nicolas, Nidia, Nilson, Nuria, Pedro, Percy, Reisner, Ricardo, Rocio, Roisman, Ricaurte, Zoylo.